
It’s spring! We hope you are all having a lovely Easter weekend wherever you may be. The sun is gleaming in Penryn today and we are open as normal. Wendy has made us this chocolatey as chocolate can be chocolate cake topped with marzipan balls to fit in with the Easter time of year where we indulge in chocolate goodness. This cake is flourless, so completely gluten free, the mixture is similar to a mousse so the centre of the cake is soft and gooey and oh so luxurious. Grab a slice while it’s still here!



We have started selling the AEROPRESS in store… If you haven’t heard about Aeropress then let us tell you that it’s absolutely brilliant. It’s basically a little, portable coffee maker, you just need access to hot water. It filters the coffee so that it’s literally perfectly smooth. Such a simple mechanism and works so well, simple is always better with mechanics! It doesn’t need to be plugged in and it doesn’t need batteries, it’s just ready to go. We are retailing it at £27.



We are rolling up the sushi today, fun for us, delicious for you! We are using the organic sushi rice and organic nori that we are now selling in the shop! You can pick up a bamboo rolling mat with us too. It’s suprisingly easier than it looks. We’ve made vegan and gluten free sushi filled with organic beetroot, courgette and mango with a side jug of tamari.



Did you know we did takeaway? Any of our lunches or cakes you can take with you in one of our biodegradable boxes! We are quite picky about our packaging and where it comes from so you don’t need to worry, we buy as sustainably as we can. At least we know this little box will go straight back into the earth! So if you don’t fancy eating in with us, and we don’t blame you when the sun is shining over that water, grab your box and chill in the springtime sun. When the weather gets a bit warmer we will be offering a selection of picnic boxes, ready made with love for you.



It’s that time to revive and we are going all out this year. We’ve got our new menu in full swing and to compliment it what better than a fresh look. We’ve used reclaimed wood and scaffolding to build new fixtures and breakfast bar style seating (there’s still tables too and the beloved Chesterfield sofa is still here). And even more exciting, the new coffee machine is here along with gorgeous new Carraro coffee beans. We will be having a celebratory day giving out free coffee soon so keep eyes peeled for the date!

In theme with all the newness, thank you for reading the first post of our new blog! Updates and recipes will be coming your way. We hope to see you soon x